[Pinned teams]
Advertise on / sponsor a page
Quick statistics
Each page on femaleSOCCER.net has PAGE SPONSORSHIP/ADVERTISING opportunities. Sponsor and advertise refer to placing images, videos or text on a page which promote
the brands, goods or services of an organisation other than femaleSOCCER.
Contact us to show a "Sponsored by..." message featuring your brand, product or service on one or more pages.
Our audience includes:
- Players: >3.4m girls and women in England. According to Statista.com 87% of women and the same number as men make purchases
online. This has seen year-on-year growth and rose by 4-5% last year.
- Team staff (not just female) in 9,251 teams
- Supporters (all ages, all genders). According to a Guardian survey 61.9% of the people who watch women's football in the UK are men.
More popular pages are presented first.
Advert types
Pinned article
A news article which appears below the spotlight news article (the one with an image/video) at the top of a news section.
Pinned articles must be no more than 500 pixels for each of: width and height.
We use a "More..." hyperlink to cut off any text at an appropriate point. The visitors clicks the More... hyperlink to see the full article.
The article usually appears for a pre-arranged duration, e.g. 1 week.
Up to 500 pixels x 500 pixels
Header/footer banner
Up to 990 pixels width and up to 120 pixels height, static or animated image.
A header banner appears above the page title.
A footer banner appears below the page content, and above the page footer (grey area at the bottom).
Header/footer banner
Up to 900 pixels x 120 pixels
Side banner
Up to 120 pixels width and up to 200 pixels height, static or animated image which appears to the right of a page. It can also appear in a header or footer along with other (including third party) placements.
Side banner
Up to 120 pixels x 200 pixels
Tweets, re-tweet
We can tweet/re-tweet your content.
We can also add the tweet to a page on femaleSOCCER.net as a pinned article.
We can feature your brand, product or service in our shop in one or more appropriate sections. Our shop is presented below.
Terms and conditions of sale
Acceptance of orders placed with femaleSOCCER is subject to the terms and conditions below.
- The term CUSTOMER, YOU, YOUR or similar, means the person or business placing an order.
- The term femaleSOCCER, US, OUR or simlar, refer to the femaleSOCCER brand, products and services offered by Web Briefcase Ltd.
- In initiating the campaign set-up/order process, you automatically confirm that you have been granted permission to act on behalf of your organisation.
- Orders may be placed by UK registered businesses and sole traders, only. We do not accept at this time, orders from outside of the UK.
- We reserve the right to decline an order.
- Orders will only be committed to when written acceptance from an authorised representative of femaleSOCCER has been sent to the customer.
- Slots for orders requiring booking (e.g. sponsor campaigns) are RESERVED on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Campaign reservations are automatically held for a maximum of 4 working hours only. This should be enough time to arrange payment for the booking.
- We will NOT reserve/book slots to anyone else while a reservation is in place.
- If you require any degree of exclusivity, please discuss that with your Account Manager.
- Reservations can be extended at our discretion, but may require a pre-agreed, pre-paid deposit.
- Campaign slots are BOOKED with payment of a pre-agreed deposit, or full payment of the pro-forma invoice which will be issued once the campaign has been agreed.
Prices and payment
- All solutions are subject to pe-payment and pro-forma invoice. No credit terms are offered.
- Prices are subject to VAT.
- Prices quotes may be subject to change without priority notice.
- Prices may be frozen for a customer for a pre-agreed period (no longer than 6 working days) upon request at the discretion of femaleSOCCER. A written confirmation of this from femaleSOCCER is required for it to be honoured.
- Payment by bank transfer is preferred. PayPal is also accepted. Other payments methods may be accepted, at our discretion, please ask.
- We do NOT accept cheque payments.
Order fulfilment
- You must supply all materials for the campaign including videos/images of a professional quality and appropriate size, and text with HTML formatting as required.
- Images must be APNG, GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG or WebP format only. We can transform some image types for a fee.
- Videos/audio must be MPEG-4, WebM, YouTube (embed) or tweet (embed) format. If you have web format, please ask us.
- If materials are not supplied in time, the campaign will continue, just without the sponsorship message being in place.
- We require a minimum of 1 working hour from the time we receive ALL materials, to set-up and activate the campaign.
- We reserve the right to charge a fee for any editing which is required. If you need this, let us know in advance.
- Although we have capable staff who can undertake some video, image and text editing, their time must be booked in advance.
Defects and changes
- The customer is accountable for accepting or rejecting the delivered solution and should undertake at least some degree of user acceptance testing.
- In the event of a defect in our code or service, we will resolve the defect within 7 days of being notified.
- The solution is automatically considered to be accepted 7 days after deliver.
Compliments and complaints
- Direct any compliments and complaints to support@femaleSOCCER.net to ensure they're dealt with appropriately.
- We reserve the right to cancel the campaign if we are unable to provide an unexpected/unbooked service in time, or at all.
- If WE choose to cancel a campaign in whole or part, for reasons other than authorities instructing us to, we will refund the pro-rata amount for remainder of the campaign license if that amount is more than £20 + VAT.
- If YOU choose to cancel a campaign, we charge a pre-payment fee of £20 + VAT for removal. We will refund the rest of the license, minus 1 week (since it may take us that long to re-sell the slot).
Force Majeure
- femaleSOCCER shall not be liable for the cancellation by any order or any unfulfilled part thereof or for effecting partial delivery if performance by femaleSOCCER
is prevented or delayed whether directly or indirectly by any case whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the Company whether such cause existed or was foreseeable
at the date of acceptance of the Customer’s order by the Company or not and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing cause shall be deemed to prevent,
hinder or delay the company if the Company is thereby prevented, hindered or delayed from fulfilling other commitments whether to the Customer or to third parties.
- All web/software design on femaleSOCCER services is owned by Web Briefcase Ltd. No content in whole or in part may be copied, reproduced, uploaded, posted, displayed,
linked to or used in any way without the prior written permission from an authorised member of femaleSOCCER staff.
Changes to these terms and conditions
- The terms and conditions published at the time of an order being formally accepted remain of force for the duration of the service delivery.
- We reserve the right to change our terms and conditions at any times without priority notice.
Version | Effective until | Changes/notes |
1.1 | 19-Sep-2021 18:00 | Initial creation |
1.1 | | Added section headings and new sections. Significant changes throughout. |